Q's old contents page follows all the codes and conventions when making a magazine. It is similar to a previous issue of NME; however the main image isn't as large and the column which lists what is in the magazine doesn't appear as forced to fit in. The focus image is of a band, The Courteeners in the country on top of a hill as they pose in a shirt, t-shirts and jeans whilst the lead singer wear sunglasses to follow the rock and roll look. Unlike the other magazines that were previously viewed most of the images didn't have a background. Whereas both of the photographs on the page have more than just the band or artist. The secound image located at the bottom in the middle is of the artist: Nick Cave in an expensive looking suit stood leaning on a pillar. By including a background it makes the picture more visually interesting than the stereotypical band in a studio wearing modern clothes, sunglasses looking cool.
All the font on the page are similar and the text is all in drop capitals. Although the colours are different following the front cover's colour scheme. The basic trend of the text is: page numbers in bold red at the start of the sentence and the article title in black. Also there is a brief description about the story in lower case black letters. In the middle of the features list is a box that follows written in bold gold for the title: OASIS SPECIAL then like the other stories the text is in black; however the page numbers are coloured in gold. This part of the page is also in larger text. The bigger parts of the section are: CONTENTS, which is in a black banner at the top of the page and the text is bold white. Other sections that are larger are the title: FEATURES, Q REVIEWS, EVERY MONTH and finally the main story, THE COURTEENERS. By doing this it makes the text capture the readers eye and makes the page more organised.
Other text includes the date, magazine website URL and the blurb after the Q reviews section. Additionally there is a quote in a box underneath the main article teasing the viewer into reading story.
The main image corresponds with the title of the story on top of the picture. This making the article appear the most important and interesting as it the first part the eye is drawn to. The small photo also matches the short Q review section which is listed beneath as it is one of the stories that is included. There are three columns that the page is split into left to right, the first one covers the whole page whilst the secound and third are the same size below the main image.
I like the way the articles broken up into three different sections: features, every month and Q reviews, i like the order of the page. However i would prefer more images to break the text up more. In my music magazine i might use a background in my images to make the photo look more aesthetically pleasing. I also may put my text in alternative boxes again for neat presentation.
Mojo: December 2010
Mojo's contents page is unusual compared to previous music magazines that have been looked at. It uses a two colour colour scheme and and image predominant, although this is similar there is only one photograph on the page which is visually disturbing of the artist: Alice Cooper naked with black snake covering him. This following the style of the magazine, controversial and daring focusing on rock music and old bands. It is a very dark image and his face, hair and eyes look tired, dirty and messy. He laying in front of a plain background that is the colour for the whole page, dark grey; also following the rock and roll genre.
The text is very simplistic in either bold red for page numbers or bold words for the titles and plain black for the description underneath. It is written in two short columns displaying the simplicity. The first column is titled: FEATURES, the other one is named COVER STORIES THE MAKING OF BOB DYLAN. The titles of the article is written in capital letters e.g. ALICE COOPER whereas the rest in is lower case. Other text includes the date, issue number which hasn't been featured in other magazine that have been viewed. Also the page number and different countries or a street under the mast head that is placed at the top. There is a quote that follows the image in lower case and a description in capitals below in red and black text.
Layout of the contents is very basic due to the picture of the Alice Cooper being the main part of the page. There are two faint dividers between the cover story section. Apart from this there is no other elements except the two basic columns. Additionally there are two yellow and black lines above and below the date and issue number.
I like the way the image is controversial and the main feature however i think there could be more photo's added to add more interest. Or the colour scheme could be more interesting with varying fonts because it looks very minimalistic. On the other hand, it is very ordered which make it slightly more interesting to view.
NME: 19th February 2011
Beginning with the title: 'INSIDE THIS WEEK' in black capital letters with a date below it in smaller font; the contents page is very interesting to view as the images capture the audience whist corresponding with the story it is linked to. The main image in the center is an artist with a unclear background of buildings. Under the photo is a quote from the story in italics and lower case letters, below is a brief description of the story. The rock star is dress in a suit and long jacket looking happy as if he has a story to tell hence the article.All of the other six images which are in three columns, the middle being the largest have a quote from the article in black bold, lowercase or italics which looks like it has been hand written. The photographs show different angles of the various bands and artists from a close up of a unhappy looking face to medium shot of the band: Frankie and the Heartstrings. Most are plain white or grey backgrounds; however at the top left is a live shot of the lead singer from Wu Lyf singing with out a top on which fonts the rock persona whilst performing.
The only colour included in the page is in the images which makes it look simple; however the text size, fonts and images alter this view. Page numbers are in bold and are bigger than the words that follow in the feature. There is also a small column located in the bottom middle of the page that includes a list of what is to follow in the magazine which is typed in the smallest text on the page. At the bottom left is an advertisement telling the reader about the latest subscription offer this is typical of NME and occasionally some other music magazines.
It is divided through the columns by small black faint lines to separate the stories and make it more structured. Every article has an image attached that is displayed in a rectangular order. The page numbers are in a white box contrasting against the black numbers.
I like the way every story has an image and it is divided by faint black line separators. The different fonts make it interesting to view. But i think more of a colour scheme needs to be added instead of relying from the colour from the images which is limited. In my magazine i might think about including an advertisement.
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